Areas of Law
Civil Litigation
Commercial Litigation
Debt Recovery
Criminal Law
Mediation & Alternate Dispute Resolution
Business and Commercial Law
Business and Commercial Law
Legal Structures
Purchase and Sale Of Business
Intellectual Property
Franchising Law
Insolvency, Bankruptcy & Risk Management
Commercial and Retail Tenancy Lease Law
Leases and Transfers
Lease Options and Rental Reviews
Lease Disputes
Property Law
Conveyancing – Buying and Selling Property
Subdivisions and Consolidations
Building Contracts and Disputes
Adverse Possession, Easements and Covenants
Personal Property Security Register – PPSR
Wills, Power Of Attorney and Estate Planning
Wills, Codicils and Estate Planning
Powers Of Attorney
Elder Law
Probate, Reseals and Will Disputes
Probate and Administrations
Interstate and Overseas Reseals
Will Disputes and TFM Claims
Employment Law
Employment Contracts and Disputes
Unfair Dismissal and Sexual Harassment
Family Law
BFA’s (Prenuptial Agreements)
Parenting Orders
Domestic Violence
Divorce Property Settlement
Our People
Jack Cyngler
Georgina Rallis
Georgie Stanistreet
Karyn Cyngler
Dana Smart
Emma Ho
+61 3 95001722
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