Domestic Violence Lawyers

Are you the victim of, or are you being accused of, Family Violence?
Our Domestic Violence Lawyers can guide you through this difficult time and advise what you need to do to protect yourself.

How can our experienced Domestic Violence Lawyers help?

We understand that this is a stressful and worrying time, and that you need experienced legal advice. We can:

  • File or respond to a Domestic Violence Order – DVO
  • Negotiate a DVO
  • Represent you in court regarding a DVO
  • Make urgent DVO applications
  • Make urgent applications for Protection Orders
Domestic Violence Lawyer

Our Family Lawyers are members of the Law Institute of Victoria and the Law Council of Australia Family Law Sections


Law Council Of Australia
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Domestic Violence

Intervention Orders

It is important that intervention order proceedings are considered.

Contact our Domestic Violence Lawyers to get urgent legal advice before saying anything, making a statement, or putting anything in writing. Even if you have already said something or made a statement, obtain our legal advice urgently.

Whether you are the offender or the abused victim, anything you say in intervention order proceedings can be used against you, both now and for many years in the future, including in:

  • criminal law proceedings
  • family law property settlement proceedings
  • family law parenting proceedings
  • child protection proceedings
  • civil law proceedings

​​There is a real possibility that criminal charges will be made against you as well.

What is an Intervention Order?

An intervention order is a court order made to protect a person from alleged or actual threatening, harassing, abusive, or violent behaviour made toward them by another person.

Serious penalties apply for:-

  • Making false allegations
  • Making false claims
  • Distorting the facts

Imprisonment of up to 5 years can be given for making a false declaration. Until allegations are proven, they could lead to a defamation claim if any allegations are found to be untrue.

In Victoria, Intervention orders are known by different names:

  • Family Violence Intervention Orders or IVOs
  • Personal Safety Intervention Orders 
  • Personal Protection Orders
  • Restraining Orders or Restraint Orders
  • Apprehended Violence Orders or AVOs
  • Domestic Violence Orders or DVOs
  • Personal Violence Orders or PVOs

​Depending on the circumstances, the conditions of your intervention order can be challenged or changed by the Magistrates’ Court. We recommend that you ask advice from our Domestic Violence Lawyers to make submissions regarding what conditions should apply.

How can I defend myself against an IVO?

If you have been served with an IVO, you have the legal right to make submissions to the Magistrate’s Court. We can assist with these submissions.

You must be careful not to breach the terms of the IVO whilst it is in place, as criminal charges can be laid against you.

We can provide clear legal advice about how the conditions apply to your situation, and guidance on your future options.

Man suffering Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence FAQs


Q. What is Domestic Violence?
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Bullying
  • Intimidation including stalking
  • Coercion
  • Financial abuse
  • Threats
  • Controlling behaviour including monitoring text messages, social media accounts and your physical movements when away from the house.
Q. What type of relationship can have domestic violence?

Domestic violence can happen in many types of relationships such as:

  • Partner
  • Lover or ex-lover
  • Carers
  • Parent/Child
  • Step-parents
Q. What Conditions can an IVO impose on someone?

An intervention order affects the rights and freedoms of the person who is committing the offence.
​Common conditions of an intervention order may include restraining a person from:

  • Committing the actions
  • Going to a residence even if this was their family home and principal place of residence
  • Being within a certain distance of a home, place of work, place of education or childcare
  • Being within a certain distance from another person
  • Contacting another person by telephone, email, or any other means
  • Following or attempting to keep track of another person, including online social media
  • Posting information online about another person
  • Forbidding another person to do what the person cannot do themselves under an intervention order

​Ask our Domestic Violence Lawyers for confidential advice.

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